Friday 29 April 2016


April 27
Today in Indian History
Events for April 27

27-April-1526 Babur Shah was declared as the Emperor of Dehli.
27-April-1606 Jahangir arrested Khusroo.
27-April-1705 Aurangzeb captured the Fort of Vagingera.
27-April-1748 Muhammad Shah, Mughal emperor, passed away and was succeeded by his son Ahmad Shah.
27-April-1854 First telegram was sent between Mumbai and Pune.
27-April-1857 Jamshedji Framji Madan ( J. F. Madan ), founder of India’s first Cinema Hall – ‘Elphinstone Palace’ at Calcutta, Madan & Co. and Parsi Theatrical Company, was born.
27-April-1878 Calcutta University started Women’s Education, and allowed women to appear in the Entrance Examination.
27-April-1906 China, as suzerain of Tibet, has agreed to the terms of a treaty proposed by Britain. According to the treaty, foreign powers may not send representatives to Tibet, receive transportation or mining concessions, or occupy, buy or lease any territory in Tibet without British permission. The British want to prevent the Russians from establishing a protectorate over Tibet, which lies on India’s northern border. Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, failed in attempts to communicate with Tibet’s ruler, the Dalai Lama. A British military expedition fought its way to the capital at Lhasa and concluded the agreement.
27-April-1907 Fearing uprising in Punjab, British arm volunteers.
27-April-1918 Gandhiji attends Viceroy’s War Conference at Delhi and addresses it in Hindustani; subsequently tours Kaira District to raise recruits for army.
27-April-1919 Ustad Allarakha Khan, great Tabla player, was born.
27-April-1920 Dr. Manibhai Desai, great Gandhian leader and Magssese Awardee, was born.
27-April-1942 Gandhi condemns stationing of U.S. troops in India.
27-April-1960 Presidential orders were issued on the report of the Committee of Parliament on official Languages which includes issues relating to preparation of terminology (Hindi glossaries, Hindia translation of codes and procedural literature, imparting training in Hindi to employees propagation of Hindi, language of bills, language to be used in the Supreme Court and High Court etc.)
27-April-1986 Congress (I) expels former Union Minister Pranab Kumar Mukherjee from the party for 6 years.
27-April-1993 A national credit fund for women called the ‘Rashtriya Mahila Kosh’ set up.
27-April-1994 Supreme Court strikes down section 309 of the Indian Penal Code(which makes suicide a punishable offence)- violative of Article 21.
27-April-1996 First phase of election for 11th Lok Sabha, and assembly election in 6 states.
27-April-1996 General Election (11th) of India begins.
27-April-1997 CBI decides to prosecute Bihar CM Laloo Prasad Yadav, former CM Dr. Jagannath Mishra, Union Minister Chandra Deo Prasad Verma and 53 others in the Rs. 950 crore fodder scam case.
27-April-2000 Arun Bharat Ram takes over as the president of the Confederation of Indian Industry.
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April 29
In "एप्रिल दिनविशेष"
April 21
In "एप्रिल दिनविशेष"
३ एप्रिल
In "एप्रिल दिनविशेष"
By विश्वकर्मी • Posted in एप्रिल दिनविशेष

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