Saturday 4 June 2016


Celebrating World Environment Day

Chemical science has done much in the previous century to benefit humans - from creating new drugs, creating exciting new materials and discovering the basis of life. But as Spiderman says, with great power comes great responsibility. And the biggest responsibility is to protect the environment.

Waking to a Silent Spring

In 1962, the writer Rachel Carson published a famous book called Silent Spring. It showed how chemical pesticides were harming birds. It was the first detailed book about how human actions were hurting the environment. Over the years, many more books and newspaper reports made the issues of saving our planet well-known to everyone.

The Stockholm Conference

On 5th June 1972, world leaders got together to think seriously about our planet's future for the first time. Leaders of 113 countries met in the Stockholm Conference, and agreed upon a plan to reverse some of the damages. It was the first time that issues like CFCs and global warming were discussed.

After the Conference, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was set up. It coordinates activities of all UN member states on issues. One of its best achievements was the Montreal Protocol (watch out for an article on this), which banned CFCs and help stop ozone depletion. The UNEP today funds environmental protection activities in many countries, and is helping countries draw up a treaty to stop global warming.

World Environment Day

The anniversary of the Stockholm Conference is celebrated as World Environment Day every year. Each year, there is a special theme. The first ever theme was 'Only One Planet'. This year's theme is Many Species. One Planet. One Future. Since 1987, there has been a host city where the main celebration is held. This year the host city is Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. In Rwanda, it coincides with the annual Kwita Izina Ceremony - when baby gorillas are given their names! You can check out the names here!

Let's Celebrate

At Human Touch of Chemistry, we're celebrating World Environment Day in a big way. We have designated June as 'Green Month', and we will be carrying articles on environmental topics throughout the month. We'd love to have your ideas for a greener planet in Idea Bank. And of course, watch out for 'Climate Challenge', an exciting game you can play!

You can also do a lot in your school or with your friends. Click on this image to find out how:
And here's a nice wallpaper for you to download.

Here's wishing all of us a greener, cooler planet!
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